The Contemporary Banjo Player is a unique new tutor from world-renowned banjo player John Dowling. It covers not only the basics of Bluegrass banjo, but also teaches you how to expand and develop your playing and diversify into other musical styles.
• Suitable for players of every level.
• Packed with Photos, techniques, exercises and full songs to learn.
• Covers all the basics from rolls to hammer ons, slides, percussive playing, finger picking guitar style, and so much more!
• Downloadable online audio featuring demonstration tracks to aide progression.
"John Dowling is one of my favourite banjo players and now he's written a wonderful new book, The Contemporary Banjo Player. It has something for everyone. If you're just starting out, he tells you how to position your hands and shows you basic rolls (finger patterns) so you can be playing music almost immediately. For the intermediate players, he gives tips on improvising, as well as lessons in melodic and single string playing. The advanced picker can graze on fingerpicking guitar style, bass line with melody and Banjo much more. These pages are a treasure trove of techniques tunes and tips, all delivered to you by one of the most creative banjoists to ever put picks to a string. No home should be without this tremendous tome!"
Tony Trischka (world-renowed banjo player known as the father of modern bluegrass).